Sunday, January 29, 2006

New DVD of Erika available

Hello all.
I have compiled another DVD of Erika. I hope g'ma Hughes has a DVD player this time!
Anyway, we have some early walking footage, some cute babble, and the destruction of the birthday cake. I hope to have those out to family this week. Extra copies are available for anyone else who would like to see a baby crawling around.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Keyboards are for percussion?

As you would expect, Erika really likes things that make noise. The digital piano is just the thing for noise. Lots of buttons to push. She frequently ends up with pipe organ on top of a rock drum beat. Very avant-guard, no? Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

New Carpet?

Cupcake enjoys our new carpet. It's Green! Isn't that something?
I'm sure we will look back at it and think "that was so 2006!" But anyway, thanks to Aunti Jayne for helping us break out of the Real-Estate taupe.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Phases of Cupcake

Aunt Kimi came to visit us for a week. We had a swell time, and she took lots of pictures to document the variety of moods we call Erika aka Cupcake.
It might be fun to think of captions for each of these.
One caption should read: "You there! Shut up and bring me another scotch!" Can you guess which one that might be?

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Staying in for the weekend

It's raining a lot recently. 50F, overcast, and raining. There you have it; winter in the Pacific Northwest. I personally don't mind it at all. The air is so super-fresh and fragrant that I go outside periodically just to smell it. Cupcake doesn't seem to mind the weather at all. In fact, I'm pretty sure she does not know what weather is. When we lived in Texas, I really missed the rain. it's one of the few things in life that no one charges you for. It's completely free. It comes when it comes, and stops when it stops. It helps things grow, and sounds great on the aluminium porch covering out back. I'm not exactly sure what to do about the moss on my roof, but I'm working on that. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Holiday blogging Hiatus

I haven't blogged anything in a while since all of my rare internet time is being sucked up with the 2006 portfolio rebalance. Now that I have a subscription to, I'm as happy as a pig in space! Also, Erika is more mobile and so I have to pretend to watch her more diligently.

And now for something completely different, last week we took a drive to Deception Pass. It was a 150-mile round trip and Cupacke did well. I'll try to post a picture soon!