Saturday, September 23, 2006

Kathy & Keith's visit part II

We took 3 boat trips this week.
Here we are on Puget Sound.

Once we returned home, Erika and Grandma spent some quality time wrapping stuffed animals in the blanket called doh-doh. Erika has some very specific things in mind when wrapping stuffed animals. Don't expect to be able to predict these things.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Grandma Kathy and Keith visit

Here we are on the ferry making our way across Puget Sound toward Aunt Jayne's house on Vashon Island.

Erika can't believe what fun it is to take a ferry boat ride!

I think those cooking mits are too small.

Here Grandma Kathy and Erika share some play time. I don't think Keith is still awake at this point.
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Monday, September 04, 2006

More fun with water

This weekend we visited grandma Gladys and Ernie. Erika had a tremendous time with the fountain and the kiddie pool which Grandpa Ernie had the foresight to obtain. She set about emptying both with a 1/3 cup and made a good deal of progress.

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Saturday, September 02, 2006

Happy Labor Day

We are visiting G'ma Gladys in Portland, OR this Labor Day Weekend. I'm sure some cuteness will occur there, and I'll be able to document it for all of you soon.

Also this is our 13th wedding anniversary. Amazing! It seems like only 12.
