Saturday, March 24, 2007

Squirrel Time!?

Today we celebrated Squirrel Time. This is a new spring holiday invented by Erika's friend Takara. In this first picture, Erika puts her arm around Takara who is reading a book aloud... more or less. Squirrel Time events are pants optional.

Earlier this week, Erika enjoyed a pony ride!

Erika also obtained a tiara which she would only wear as a visor. Then I stepped on it accidentally. Oh well. I'm sure there will be another.

In this fourth picture, Erika sits in her car seat. The car seat is in the living room because I was doing some maintenance and adjustment to it, but she insisted on using it as a lounge chair and watching cartoons. Buckling and un-buckling are great fun. Each stuffed animal has it's turn. Her favorite animal, named Meow-meow, appears exhaused in this picture. Also that blanket freaturing Strawberry Shortcake is called "Strawberry doh-doh." All blankets are doh-dohs of one kind or another.
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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Spring-ish weather!

Erika's friend Takara came for a visit. They ate an entire container of raspberries, some crackers, and washed lots of rocks in the wading pool which is not in this picture.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Road trip to Portland

Sometimes the best part of a trip is the return home. Although the "digging" exhibit at the Portland Children's Museum is cool.

Erika's important work

Erika has lots of important things to do. For example, she needs to watch Hello Kitty video clips on She also has a pink Hello Kitty stamp which fortunately washes off. And she also likes to play with shredded paper. yay!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Erika's Bus trip to the Aquarium

This past week was a fun one with at trip to the Aquarium. To add some excitement, Erika and I (Jackie) took the bus to downtown Seattle with our friends Bethany and Takara. Here Erika enjoys the bus trip with a breakfast bar and no car seat. You can see Bethany's knee in this shot. Takara is an old pro at bus rides and did not deign to appear in any of the pictures commemorating Erika's first bus ride.

Erika's favorite exhibit - the touch tank. Here she demonstrates the proper way to wake up the various echinoderms such as star fish by gently splashing the water.

One of the few shots of Erika's face I was able to get. She loved looking at the various exhibits and did not understand why Mommy kept asking her to look at the camera.