Saturday, May 24, 2008

First night at home

A lot of sleeping! Not much crying!

Yes, I already violated the saftey warnings of the baby swing, but they slept 90 minutes like this, so that's a win.
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Hospital visits!

Aunty Jayne and grandma Gladdy

"uncle" Andy and "aunt grandma" Jayne

Daddy showing proper swaddle technique with thumbs being sucked.

Grandma Kathy arrives just in time to help us check out of the hospital!
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Catherine Jayne and Miranda Kimberly

Can you tell the difference? Does the hat give it away? yes, or no? Explain your answer.
Twin A: 7lbs; 19.5in.
Twin B: 7lbs; 4oz 19in.

Day 1

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Cross-Roads with the Hanleys plus a bonus: lizard lovin.

Today was our last trip to Cross-Roads mall in Bellevue, WA as a family of three.
Erika is certainly willing to teach her new sisters the ins and outs of mall living. First of all, why ride the mechanical horse when you can study it's inner-workings thanks to a transparent box?

Here we are with the Hanleys enjoying mall-time goodness.

And for something completely different, since we are having such nice weather, Erika and I (Jason) are spending a lot of time in the yard. After watering the herbs and checking for aphids we found some Northern Alligator Lizards! The one on the bottom has only a stump for a tail since it must have released, or autotomized, it when escaping a preditor. Ask Erika about it and she will speak on this topic enthusiastically. We'll look for a batch of baby lizards around the fall.

Friday, May 16, 2008

T minus 5 days

Preparations are underway for arrival of the twins. Erika is watering our herb garden on the side of our house.
Here we see what 12 pounds of babies in mommy looks like. Jackie is holding up very well all things considered.
It should be fun....

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Sunday, May 04, 2008

Enjoying a lovely beverage

This Saturday, it was a bit rainy. So we did a lot of shopping, and now that I (Jason) have a camera phone, I can capture photos whenever I want. Like, for example, when I want to document Erika's introduction to Starbucks.

No, it is not a caffeinated beverage. She is enjoying a steamed milk with whipped cream. How she can eat like she does and stay under 30lbs is beyond me, but there you have it.