Sunday, June 29, 2008

Full Summer Attire

Something of a paparazzi, daddy manages to get this shot of Ms. Erika on her way to the neighbor's house.
Below is the origional shot to get the full effect. Sure, it's 76F and sunny, but Erika is making a fashion statment. The statement being that she can dress herself in anything, and everything, and still look good.

Sunglasses time

Erika is a growing fan of sunglasses. She has many pairs now. Thanks to Disney and the Hello Kitty franchise, there is no conceivable end in sight. Also, her snow hat is staging a June comeback. Purple is in, but photos are not. I had to bribe here with gummi worms to get this shot.

Here's what the twins are up to. Both mouths are accessible from the chair on the left. Bottles at the ready should squawking occur.

When Erika plays quietly by herself, it's a very good thing... kind of.
Recently, when I opened our DVD cabinet I found that it had been sacked. Lincoln logs and bibs had taken over; my attempts at organization thwarted. I should just give up now before I'm completely out-numbered.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Summertime Tom-Foolery

Here our neighbors are visiting us. Erika is often quite energetic and creative when guests arrive. Here she is showing how much she knows about potty training seats. Oy Gevalt.

Miranda and Cate share a moment on the play mat. Or is it Cate and Miranda?

Now that it is *finally* summer around here, it's good to take advantage of off-season wear- like rain coats.
And now that Erika can dress herself, it's hard to keep a handle on what's coming off or going on from moment to moment.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cupcake at the Symphony, and Napping with Twins

Since Aunt Kimi is here to help us for two weeks, Jackie and Erika had time to attend the tiny tots concert at Benaroya Hall in downtown Seattle just like old times.

That's a very large cupcake btw.

Aunt Kimi manages to feed and burp both twins nearly constantly and remains semi-alert as seen here.

After a hard day enduring countless re-orgs at work, daddy does not have the capability to remain conscious for long. A brief power nap is enjoyed by all.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Sunday, June 01, 2008

May 2008 completed

Sleep is important... But if you have a newborn (or two), you know that they are not concerned about other people getting any. You sleep when you can.

Unless you are a toddler, then you hate sleep. Because you might miss something.

There are lots of things to do, like smell three different scented soaps while dressed as a fairy princess playing the electric guitar.
If the Wetzel parents have any sanity a year from now, it will be a miracle.
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