Saturday, August 30, 2008

End of summer

This Labor day weekend we (actually Jackie) bring you the activities of the Wetzel girls. First, the twins have been practicing arm and leg movements. The are also doing a few minutes of tummy time on the playmat. Here, Miranda (on the left) and Cate (on the right) grunt and drool as they build their crawling muscles.
Below, Cate demonstrates an advanced move as she combines reaching for a plastic toy and a 45 degree head lift on her tummy. In the new rule of scoring in the baby gym, her moves have a possible score of 7.5 for a 3 month old. (Yes, Mommy watched too many gymnastic competitions in the summer Olympics) You can see Miranda's elbow as she also works out.

Miranda shows off her newly strengthened neck muscles. Note, she is holding her head up by herself and not touching Mommy's face. Very handy as she looks for other stimulation than Mommy catching up on email and surfing the web.

Finally, no blog posting is complete without news from Erika. Erika has been doing potty training this past week with panty days. She is doing great using the toilet for both potty and poopy. Yeah! Here she demonstrates that anything can be worn as a hat, even panties. This continues a family potty-training tradition started by Maura and may be continued by the youngest siblings.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

One more time

You know something Cate?
I'm getting a little tired of this.

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Baby holds rattle, Erika holds baby etc.

Miranda is the first to shake a rattle semi-intentionally. Cate ignores this momentous occasion and instead focuses on her own hand trying to decide if it is a nipple or not. She will have to taste it to be 100% sure.

Erika is very interested in holding the babies now. The day before yesterday - no. Today - yes! What she lacks in technique, she makes up for with enthusiasm. Cate is happy that she is being held and not dropped on the carpet.

Miranda gets into the act too. Only she demands a bottle and pillow before allowing her big sister to hold. Erika happily provides the requested items, although her aim is a bit off.

Daddy with his three little babes. For those keeping score at home, Erika is holding Miranda and Jason is holding Cate. Mommy takes the picture and gets to hide behind the camera!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

August 2008


Erika reaches for two hot-air balloons.
Why is she wearing bib? No one knows.