Saturday, February 28, 2009

A new member of our household

Your eyes do not deceive you. That is a cat sleeping in our glider. Our friends, Bethany, Takara, and Dan, are visiting Arizona for about a month and asked us to take care of their cat, Aphrodite. Unfortunately, Aphrodite is not living up to her goddess of love moniker. She is a bit nervous around toddlers and is not showing any love to Erika. Erika is now asking when Aphrodite will leave. I think Erika is worried that the cat is here to stay like the twins.

Erika is still interested in Katamari and will pretend to be one of the many Katamari Cousins. Here a party hat and some Hello Kitty socks and she is transformed into June, one of her favorite cousins.

Miranda shows off her flexibility by chewing on her toe while lying on her back. No yoga lessons needed here.

Finally, a picture of the whole gang. Erika organized and built the train. She then insisted that everyone join her in her great adventure. Aphrodite stayed as long as the cat treats lasted. Catie is on the left and Miranda is on the right.
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Monday, February 23, 2009

Close up with Catie

Catie has something to add...

Anyone have any captions for this photo?
I was thinking something like:
Excuse me, waiter! Teddy and I ordered a G&T like forever ago!?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Zany times at the Wetzels

I dare you not to laugh. Miranda shows her zany side by wearing a plastic bowl for a hat. Such a delight. (Also note the new teeth that have popped through over the past couple of weeks. Both twins have their canine teeth before their top center teeth. Yes, it looks like I have little vampires for babies. )

Catie joins in the tomfoolery by donning Erika's headphones. (Erika wears these to the symphony's Tiny Tots concerts to lower the noise level)

And finally, more fun and craziness at the Wetzels.

Friday, February 13, 2009

High chairs, some extortion perhaps involving a small construction worker, and Boba Fett

Before we get to our exciting news, the twins have started feeding themselves with various degrees of success. Miranda shows how much fun pureed carrots can be when applied by a baby, and Catie shows the after picture. That thing she is holding is her bib; she managed to take it off all by herself.

We also have been socializing. Stevie and Lisa come over last Thursday. Lisa bought a tasty pizza and Stevie fixed the stove, the fridge, several chairs, and the couch. Fortunately, they all just needed something from his trusty toolbox -- a plastic hammer, wrench, and pliers. After dinner Stevie looks for more broken objects while Erika has some fun sitting on Daddy's lap. (Although I may have interrupted a shakedown. Look where Erika's hand is and how she has her 'muscle' with her. Hmmmmmm)
And finally, your eyes do not deceive you. Erika is indeed holding Bobba Fett. He had been on a top-secret mission with some cars and is only now able to return safely to this universe. We are glad to have him back, but sad he missed his place in the creche with Hello Kitty and the Lucky Cat figures along side the more traditional Mary, Joseph, shepherds, etc. Maybe next year. For now, we are happy that the prodigal action figure has returned.

Sunday, February 01, 2009


Tonight's bedtime routine had a new twist to it. The twins took their bath in the bit tub together. Lots of splashing and smiles ensued. Here is a picture as they first entered the water. Catie is on the left and Miranda is on the right. (Miranda is also showing that she really enjoyed the pureed squash at supper. )
Catie can not believe that a baby could have this much fun!

Miranda is stunned by the possibilities.

After helping the twins understand the joys of splashing, Erika insists on joining her sisters. (Catie is holding the pink sponge)
Rub-a-dub-dub, three Wetzels in a tub! Now, they really start sharing a bathroom. (And Mommy and Daddy have embarrassing pictures hee-hee)