Wednesday, April 29, 2009

dual usage

This toy is great; so easy to share! Or is it?

Catie is in the dots and stripes with the Look.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sisters and fingerpaints

A sunny day is a good thing. What better time to strip down to your diaper and/or panties and do some finger-painting? Catie shows off her first art project as big sister Erika looks on. Miranda had decided to have a long nap.

Dual walking practice. When you have twins that insist on walking, you do anything to help them. The speck under Catie's nose is just some dirt she was eating.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Catie and Miranda have mastered the art of Beeping.

Figure 1. Classic Nose-Beep. Arm straight, index finger rigid and extended.
Catie dips her finger in baby-food to really test how tolerant her parents are.

Figure 2. Triple Beep (aka, the Flux Capacitor). A highly advanced maneuver. Scholarship potential. Go Miranda go.
Mommy's finger makes an appearance.

Figure 3. Self-feeding. Almost all Wetzels are now self-feeding. Catie can even manage the spoon sometimes.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Misc. pictures

Well, we haven't been posting as often this month. Blame a series of colds and jumps in development for that. So here are two pictures to tide you over.

Erika and Miranda have fun the the Pack and Play

Jason finds the only spot in the house where he can get some rest. Yes, that is under the dining room table.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Weird week at the Wetzels

Being four means that you are fully capable art-wise. (clothing optional)

Miranda has clearly heard enough.

Catie gets some very good stuff in that sippy cup.

Can't quiet walk yet, but they can do this. (Miranda is holding the Tagret receipt)
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The wind blew briefly earlier this week and this twig was found in the yard.
This is a 3.5-in diameter branch which fortunatly missed our roof. There is simply no mowing over it.
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Carter's Birthday bash

Erika's buddy Carter celebrated his birthday on April 5th. Erika went and enjoyed hanging out with her pals. Here Erika, Madeleine, and Carter await the Thomas the train cake.

This is the only other picture of Erika that came out. She is playing a toss the bean bag game and was too busy concentrating to look at the camera.