Today we went blueberry picking. Erika decided to be a cat for the day. Note how she is saying meow in this picture.
Miranda take blueberry picking very seriously.
Catie also helps the cause. We wound up with over 2 lbs of berries. That is a record with everyone's 'help' and constant need for quality control tasting.
Even when it is chilly in the morning, the girls want to play in the kiddie pool. When I, Mommy, refuse to let them put water in their pool in 60 degree weather, the girls play in an empty pool
Catie enjoys her pool time, even without water.
Erika and her cute smile. Miranda is investigating something interesting in the backgroud
Miranda and her special clogs. Don't leave home without them.
These photos are actually from our drive back from Orcas Island. The rest area has these amazing historical artifacts called Phone Booths.
Erika is still not a fan of loud noises. She wants me (Jason) to set off the fireworks while she "hunkers in the bunker." This must be some Mythbusters saying, since I don't recognize it from our usual conversations. Jason and Erika take fireworks very seriously.