Monday, August 30, 2010

Erika's first day of school

Today was Erika's first day of school. She was not very excited to go and I had to sweet talk her into taking pictures. In fact she so didn't want to go that she suggested that she could take a nap this afternoon as she was tired out from playing with her friends. But alas, to school we go.

We drove as Mommy was running a bit late. We found where she is to go and line up. Miss Cheryl, the assistant teacher, takes them from the playground to the classroom. As the kids were leaving, I heard a little voice ask "Mommy, come in with me?" So all four of us marched inside.

After a few minutes Erika found her seat and started settling in. So a kiss goodbye and we left.

I think I confused the parent helpers in room. This one really nice lady kept asking me if I had any questions, did I want a cup of juice, was I worried about anything. I kept thinking, "I just want to see Erika settled and then I'll leave. This is cutting into my free time, you know." Then I realized that the parent helpers were there to get the teary-eyed parents out of the room. :-)

Afterward, Erin and I walked to school together to pick up Erika and Carter.

Welcome to the system kiddo.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Är vi i Sverige eller Seattle? Du avgör.

Erika went with her pal Megan to the zoo. Megan's Mom took this picture of the girls in the playground area. Are we in Sweden or Seattle? You decide.
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Monday, August 23, 2010

I want to push you around

Erika, Catie and Miranda have begun playing together. It started when Miranda convinced Erika to push her on the dolly stroller. (or was that Erika convinced Miranda?)

Oh the joy of pushing your big sister around.

Miranda waits as Erika hides out in the bathroom.

And Catie enjoys the show with her lollipop and bling.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Miranda: Giver of Sausage Bites

This whole scene seems a little Lord of the Flies to me.
Miranda is clearly in charge of the sausage bites as she wields the bamboo cocktail fork.
As for the blue marks, it's all about stamping and self-decoration these days.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010