Sunday, September 26, 2010

Paging the Toothfairy

Behold, the first of many departed teeth.

Since I have a moment, I will add a couple stories: Yesterday at Target Erika wanted a gingerbread haunted house. (These marketing people are good!) It was $10 and I said that ten dollars was a lot. She replied that ten dollars is not a lot since she can easily count to ten. Later she added hopefully, I can count to 16 too.

We were playing hid and seek, and Erika asked me to count to the biggest number since she needed time to hide. I asked if a million would do; she said it would be fine. I'm still counting.

Erika dumped out a basket of laundry which Jackie had recently folded. I commented that mommy would be upset to see the clothes dumped out. Erika suggested that we not tell mommy, but I pointed out the deed would be self-evident. "I'll dissappear then!" was the answer, and like a butterfly she was off. I didn't even know she had the capability to dissappear!
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Saturday, September 18, 2010


Today was sunny and warm. What better way to have fun than to break out the face paints in the backyard. First up, Miranda shows her use of pastel colors. Also note the curls that are showing up.

Erika is a very fancy cat. Her cat is a dragon cat that has little flames leaking from her mouth. Roar!

Caite was in a yellow, mellow mood today.

Catie's hair was showing off the curls today. Just look at the one on the side.
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PJ Time

Introducing the latest in pajama fashion. Here Catie shows me that she can also make notes on my paperwork. Now if she could only fill out her immunization forms.

Erika demonstrates how much fun it is to be a kitty while wearing fleace PJs.

Miranda introduces her favorite stuffed animal, Puppito. Here, Puppito does a dance on the stairs while Miranda models flower PJs,
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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Smiling Erika

I've been informed that I needed to update the blog as Erika's last picture was causing heartache. So here is the picture of her after her 1st day of kindergarten. Things are working out OK for her in school. She is happy that she can do art everyday and likes the guinea pigs in her classroom. Yesterday she picked some of the carrots for buttons, her favorite one.

Unfortunately, I haven't been taking pictures as we've been getting used to our schedule revolving around kindergarten. More to come soon as I remember the camera.
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