Behold, the first of many departed teeth.
Since I have a moment, I will add a couple stories: Yesterday at Target Erika wanted a gingerbread haunted house. (These marketing people are good!) It was $10 and I said that ten dollars was a lot. She replied that ten dollars is not a lot since she can easily count to ten. Later she added hopefully, I can count to 16 too.
We were playing hid and seek, and Erika asked me to count to the biggest number since she needed time to hide. I asked if a million would do; she said it would be fine. I'm still counting.
Erika dumped out a basket of laundry which Jackie had recently folded. I commented that mommy would be upset to see the clothes dumped out. Erika suggested that we not tell mommy, but I pointed out the deed would be self-evident. "I'll dissappear then!" was the answer, and like a butterfly she was off. I didn't even know she had the capability to dissappear!