Saturday, March 26, 2011

Counting party

Erika decided that we needed to have a "counting party" and invite some friends over. Since it's a little weird, we sold it as a tea party. There was a numbers theme, and cupcakes and a cake which was decorated by committee.

For some reason, it was determined that everyone needed to wear balloons on their heads since they were all Yaks.


Friend, Thea, here is pictured with a balloon taped to her head. Life is good.
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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring-like weather

For two days, we've had sunshine in the PNW. Now that the yard is not a big mud pile, the girls are enjoying the outdoors. Below Catie enjoys the slide. She also likes to run up the slide too.

Erika and Reddy the Raccoon sing a song on the stage. (a.k.a. the deck for the new door. note the cammo tarp to cover the newly removed siding.

Catie and Miranda enjoy their new watering cans. It has been two days without rain. The grass looks like it needs some water.

Miranda pauses for a picture.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sailing to Ohio

The toy chest has been repurposed as a boat. The destination? Ohio.

Catie (pink) and Miranda (purple) have their winter coats for the snowy weather. Erika decided that a shirt will be enough.
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A walk in the park

Last weekend the whole family went on a walk at one of our favorite parks with the twins' toddler group.

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Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Bedtime Fun

Warning, parent kryptonite ahead.

Catie starts the cute factor

Miranda brings it up a notch with her big eyes.

And Erika adds her star wattage to the mix.

Now, how are parents expected to have regular bedtimes when faced with such charm?