Sunday, May 14, 2006

Visiting grandma Gladys and Ernie

This Mother's Day weekend, we took advantage of the great weather and drove to Portland to see grandma Gladys and Ernie. Here Erika demonstrates how she can reach thing on the table. Ernie is not so sure it's a good idea.

Erika and Tashi the dog attempt communication.

Nothing quite as fun as running around in the grass!

What a toddler we have!
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Saturday, May 06, 2006

Cupcake meets more friends

This weekend we invited the Mathises and the Karteses* over just to make it hard for me to form the plural of names already ending in s. We had a great time and Erika is happy to explain it all.

Here, Erika exclaims "oooh!" while Keetra Kartes, Mia Mathis, and Zoe Kartes pose for a picture. What can be cuter than this? I submit - nothing!

Mr. Phil does me a favor by climbing on his roof to remove a large branch which had fallen there a week ago. I'm too uncoordinated to do such climbing and affraid of heights - not to mention widths.

After a hard evening of socialization, Cupcake relaxes by talking to a video of all sorts of interesting things, for example this cat. The cat seemed to respond at least as well as the late great Bippy Cat; and without soiling my sock drawer.
Posted by Picasa *Note these plurals are now correct. The Chicago Manual of Style told me so.