Saturday, May 06, 2006

Cupcake meets more friends

This weekend we invited the Mathises and the Karteses* over just to make it hard for me to form the plural of names already ending in s. We had a great time and Erika is happy to explain it all.

Here, Erika exclaims "oooh!" while Keetra Kartes, Mia Mathis, and Zoe Kartes pose for a picture. What can be cuter than this? I submit - nothing!

Mr. Phil does me a favor by climbing on his roof to remove a large branch which had fallen there a week ago. I'm too uncoordinated to do such climbing and affraid of heights - not to mention widths.

After a hard evening of socialization, Cupcake relaxes by talking to a video of all sorts of interesting things, for example this cat. The cat seemed to respond at least as well as the late great Bippy Cat; and without soiling my sock drawer.
Posted by Picasa *Note these plurals are now correct. The Chicago Manual of Style told me so.

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