Sunday, December 17, 2006

Wind Storm

The good news, our roof and all of our Douglas Firs survived intact. The bad news is that our home and surrounding area was without power for 68 hours - which is a long time. In case y'all did not hear, western Washington endured a rather severe wind storm Thursday night. It seemed to damage the Bothell area the most. The power went out Thursday night as the storm started really blowing things around, by the morning it was all over with about a million people without electricity. My office was closed due to the widespread outage, and I figured that the power would stay out for a while.

So here's what we did: We loaded up the Volvo with the contents of our freezer (we had some lovely steaks) and drove to visit Grandma Gladys in Portland (204 miles).

After driving 70 miles from home, we had still not gotten out of the blackout area. Good thing we had plenty of gas, since you can't pump any without electricity!

We stayed two nights with Grandma Gladys and returned to a 45-degree warm house just this afternoon. Our gas fireplace had it's work cut out for it. Fortunately, the power was restored at about 5pm. Oh, sweet TV and dishwasher. Erika suggested we watch Blue's Clues or the Boobahs right away. (if you don't know what those are consider yourself lucky).

Moral of the story, we are not quite as prepared for a multi-day disaster as we had thought. I don't think anyone around here realized how hard it is to go without coffee. (What do you mean Starbucks is not on generators!!!!) You think I'm joking?

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