Sunday, January 14, 2007

Northshore Gymnastics Center Party

Erika's toddler group had a group birthday party at the Northshore gymnastics center. There were lots of thing for little kids.
Here Erika and Isabella set the standard for not only sharing but also cuteness.

The sea of foam blocks was a big hit. It is about 4 feet deep, so you are just floating on these blocks. Kids must go in bare feet since this thing eats socks like you would not believe.

Back at home, Erika shows how to properly relax while watching TV. Yes, she is suspended between her toy chest and the couch. And for the record, she can reliably count to 4 now. She can also say please, thank you and excuse me among other things related to cats and poopies. I'm not sure how she came up with "excuse me" since we did not try to drill that into her as we were focusing more on the please and thank you concept. Obviously she picked it up somewhere; correctly using it twice as I blocked her flight path.

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