Friday, April 27, 2007

Pink Moods

What kind of look is this?! This is the "do not photograph me!" look. Right after this shot was taken she turned away and would not face me until I gave up photography completely. That's a stick of mozzarella string cheese in her hand in case you were wondering.

Actually, I just pretended to put the camera away. I shot this next one from the hip and she was none the wiser.

As a side note, a couple hours before this picture Erika was down for the count with a 103F fever. Amazingly enough, she responded well to acetaminophen and sprung back to life requiring both an apron and a wide-brimmed hat.


Jeanne said...

Love the second picture! You should catch her off guard more often!!!! Keep them coming

Jeanne said...

Actually, I like both pictures!