Monday, October 01, 2007

Who wants cupcakes?

It's finally Autumn! Time to stay inside and bake cupcakes! This is the first time that she is truly helping in the kitchen. She dumped the ingredients in (she's an expert at dumping things) and mixed everything together as best she could. Licking the spatula followed.

I would also like to record here one of our many seemingly random conversations with Erika. While we were eating dinner on Saturday, the below conversation transpired:

Erika: Mommy, mommy, mommy!
Jackie: What is it, Erika!?
Erika: When is my birthday!?
Jackie: Your birthday is in December.
Erika: I want a candy cane.
End conversation.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Well, there you go. Such an inexpensive gift! Enjoy that now, as with the DOW, the price of her tastes will rise dramatically!