Sunday, November 25, 2007

Volvo say bye-bye

It was inevitable.

Please welcome our new transportation device. It is alarmingly large.
Toyota Sienna LE (all-wheel drive)


Jeanne said...

Welcome! (And just as I left that world!) I do miss my van though. Have fun!

Jeanne said...

So the volvo is no more? Such a big sacrifice! Be strong!

Anonymous said...

Have you explained the "death" of the volvo to cupcake yet? I suggest you use puppets and calmly reenact the story of how the volvo angered mommy and daddy then who ceased to love it and sold it to strangers. Make sure you emphasize the moral of the story is to never NEVER anger mommy or daddy.

Jason W. said...

Well, Loren... I mean Joseph, you obviously know a lot about children.

For what it's worth, we did wave bye-bye to Volvo a number of times. I tried to explain as best I could, but remember, we bought the minivan simply because we felt like it, and because they had balloons in the show room. Sometimes the truth is more than a 3-year old can handle.