Thursday, March 20, 2008

Jak Video, e-life

This is Erika's absolute favorite video since Jak and Daxster are characters in our favorite video game.  Someone set scenes from the game to some cool music.  Turn up the volume and start jumping on the couch until you are out of breath!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Train trip to Grandma Glady's

Grandma Glady and Erika have not seen each other for some time now, but Jackie is not in the best shape for long trips. What to do?!
Erika and I (daddy) took Amtrak from Seattle to Oregon City, Oregon all by ourselves. We stayed with grandma for only one night, but we timed it so that we could visit the same time Aunty Jayne and John were visiting as well.
Oregon City is the end point of the historical Oregon Trail, and that's what the covered-wagon-style memorial in the background is all about.

Our departure from Oregon city was delayed by a few minutes, but this gave us some time to exercise!

Here is the main terminal in Portland, OR. Erika and I had a lay-over here which was just long enough to enjoy a popsicle.

We traveled business class because I felt that we could probably indulge in the extra $50 charge for the two of us since this was our first trip.
It was so dang quiet in business class that it was like traveling in a library. Erika had a lot to say the entire time, so it was more like a library with a chatty toddler in the middle of it.

Train trip continued....

The Amtrak ride from Seattle to Oregon City takes about 4 hours. It costs under $90 for the both of us round trip. I calculated that the gas for driving would be $70, so it's a great deal! $25 each to upgrade to the business class car.

The great thing about the train is that you don't have to be buckled in. You can walk around, and go to the bathroom at any time! Also there is a dining car with tasty snacks and tables.

Sure, a lot of the scenery between Washington and Oregon is not always magnificent, but you do get to see some very interesting sites.
This red ship was actually getting filled with grain as we passed. Coming and going! We could see the grain going right in there!

The tracks skirts the southern portion of Puget Sound between Tacoma and Olympia and this was certainly the most scenic part of the trip. The winter skies are ominous, but the air was so fresh! We passed through lots of wooded areas and if you are fond of ferns and moss, this is the ride for you. Also we got to see which towns are full of people who like to collect discarded household appliances and pile them in their yard. I didn't get a photo of that! Maybe next time!

The most surprising thing about the train trip was the amazing friendliness of the Amtrak staff. They were so nice to everyone! This mode is travel is very laid-back, and every single Amtrak person acted not just like they were tolerating us (the best you can hope for on American Airlines) but they were actually happy to see us. The conductors all thought Erika was the cutest thing ever, and told us so. It was a very pleasant trip and Erika did so well, that we will certainly do this again.

Rock store, art, t-minus 64 days and counting

We (Erika and Jackie) have been exploring more of the Seattle area. Last Monday, we went to the Scratch Patch with our friends, Bethany and Takara. The Scratch Patch is a store where they buy all sorts of neat polished rocks and put them on the floor for kids (and parents) to pick their favorites. Erika and Takara had a great time and both took home a nice bag of "treasure". Here Erika shows us the foot method for sorting through rocks.

Erika has also been going to pre-school two days a week. One of her favorite things to do is painting. Here, she is showing Daddy one of her masterpieces.

Finally, the twins and I are doing well. I can't believe how big I'm getting and there is still 2 months to go. So to document my new physique and to add to the twins' pre-birth pictures, Jason took a few shots. It will make a nice before picture.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Video from Siblings Class at Evergreen Hospital

Crazy for Peeps

How much happiness can 59 cents buy?
A lot, if invested in Peeps.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Siblings class

Erika is a fairy princess a lot of the time. She takes great care in picking out her outfits for such activities. The three favorites are one of her dressy jumpers, her pink tutu, and her fairy wings. Lollipop wands are optional.

No news there, but below is a photo from Siblings class. Erika learns about being a big sister. The class taught the soon to be big sisters and brothers how to change a diaper and how to swaddle the baby. Notice Erika's "baby" had her arms pulled back to facilitate wrapping the blanket around the body. :-)