Sunday, March 16, 2008

Rock store, art, t-minus 64 days and counting

We (Erika and Jackie) have been exploring more of the Seattle area. Last Monday, we went to the Scratch Patch with our friends, Bethany and Takara. The Scratch Patch is a store where they buy all sorts of neat polished rocks and put them on the floor for kids (and parents) to pick their favorites. Erika and Takara had a great time and both took home a nice bag of "treasure". Here Erika shows us the foot method for sorting through rocks.

Erika has also been going to pre-school two days a week. One of her favorite things to do is painting. Here, she is showing Daddy one of her masterpieces.

Finally, the twins and I are doing well. I can't believe how big I'm getting and there is still 2 months to go. So to document my new physique and to add to the twins' pre-birth pictures, Jason took a few shots. It will make a nice before picture.

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