Sunday, July 20, 2008

More babe action

Well, it's been a few weeks since we have posted. As I (Jackie) was the lucky one with the twin that went to sleep first for her nap, I get to update the blog!

The twins are growing and beginning to be more interactive. They now have one awake time in the morning and one awake time in the afternoon. Favorite activities are watching big sister Erika zoom about the room, grunting, and relaxing on the playmat. (in addition to eating, sleeping, crying and pooping :-) Here Miranda looks at herself in the plastic mirror off to the side of the playmat.

Over the past few weeks, the twins have made progress in various physical movements. They can track things with their eyes, and try to control their arms. Best of all, they can smile now. Below, Cate seems to practice arm moving as she reaches for the dangling toy.

Erika is doing well too. She was the one whom Miranda smiled at first. A week ago Wednesday all four of us were at the YMCA. As we were leaving, I had to stop at the front desk. All three kids were gathered around and Erika leaned over Miranda in her car seat to talk to her. Miranda gave Erika the biggest smile. She looked so happy that her big sister was coming over to talk to her. That made Erika's day. (and gave my heart a big tug :-)

Here Erika demonstrates the zooming that the twins find fascinating. She is racing up and down the little hill in our backyard. Lately, she loves running. The two of us will race up and down the backyard. Of course, Erika wins about 75% of the time!

Finally, here I am demonstrating the dual bottle feeding technique. The twins get hungry at the same time several times a day now. Yikes!

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