Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October fun

Here we have a couple baby seats which are ridiculously expensive. At least we got one at a swap meet type event! But they are a great way to plant the babies. Of course you are not supposed to put the baby chairs on a table, or counter, or anywhere else which would actually be useful. Once again, we break all the rules.

Still, it is difficult to keep clothes on #1. Miranda looks on.

Erika and I enjoyed some pumkin carving on the front porch tonight when we were visited by five very large racoons. I was able to get a photo of one here at least. Apparently, our neighbor feeds them regularly out of some misplaced need to nurture vermin. They are not at all scared of humans, and were coming right up to us. Strangely enough, Erika was not at all affraid of them either! She's affraid of everything - except a team of wild racoons? She did not want to pet them or anything, so that is good, but she was completely ambivalent toward them. I had to shoo them off, since, like persistant dinner guests, they were just getting comfortable and moving in for more conversation.


Anonymous said...

Why does your neighbor feed raccoons? They don't need any help cause they've happily adapted to the suburban lifestyle. The raccoon family that stopped by your patio probably drove there in a minivan.

Anonymous said...

Actually because they are concerned about the environment and live in the Pacific NW, they drove up in a Prius. They are waiting for the 2009 hybrid minivan from Toyota.

Anonymous said...

Here in Boston they ride the T.

Jason W. said...

Prius with a crooked "Obama" bumper sticker. Like they are so anxious to put it on that they can't even straighten it.

Second runner up: A filthy Subaru with a "Kerry/Edwards". Also crooked.