Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dance Class

This winter we signed up for a dance class. Erika's friend, Takara, takes dance lessons and invited Erika to a bring-a-friend class. We went and Erika was hooked. The class is a combo of pre-ballet and pre-tap. Below, Erika shows her dancing ensemble. The flower headband and beaded necklace are optional in the dress code. However, not to an aspiring fairy princess ballerina such as Erika.

Erika demonstrates some of the new steps she learned in class. The school also sells tu-tus. Erika liked the orange one. It is now on her list of things to get.

The three amigas. Who says you need to wear a tu-tu on your waist? These double as hats that can transform the fairies into flowers. From left to right -- Maya, Erika, and Takara.

And the twins want to join in the fun of course. However, dancing around is hard when one is only sitting. Miranda and Cate have fun watching everybody change and playing with the teething necklace and wooden block toy. Miranda is on the left and Cate is on the right. Just seconds before I took this picture, they were playing tug of war with the necklace. Miranda wins this round, while Cate is happy to pose for pictures.

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