Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010 snow start

Last time it snowed in Western Washington in November was 1985. But this year we've had a blast of arctic whatnot which as completely screwed up the week. Note to mid-westerners, if it gets below freezing and snows as little as an inch here, it means that an unfortunately large number of people spend the night on the impassable freeways, and if you are out and about when it hits, you may have to abandon your car and walk. We lucky 5 have been spared such indignity, but getting out of our cul de sac is extremely challenging! So it's best to not to try. In fact, as Catie and Miranda demonstrate, it's best to snuggle on the couch and indulge in chocolate milk. Weather will be back to the 40s and raining by the weekend. Oh, sweet drizzly, gray serenity how we miss you!
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1 comment:

Jackie said...

Actually, Jason wrote this. I, as Midwesterner and having lived in Ithaca, often sigh at the lack of snow removal equipment and sand trucks in the area.