Monday, February 20, 2006

Visiting the Seattle Center Children's Musem

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Mike said...

Nice pictures. By the way, what's in the Children's Museum exactly? Famous children, or famous adults when they were children?

Anyway, when are we going to start seeing some posts from Jackie?

Jason W. said...

That word- museum. It means everything and nothing these days. To cupcake it means she gets to climb on stuff that is shaped nothing like we have at home. There are nobs for her to twiddle, levers to pull, giant blocks to stack, and the occasional thing to throw.

And we get stuck with a $7.25 per person fee. Not really worth $21.75 in my opinion, but the high price keeps too many people from being there at the same time. At least that's what I was hoping. Amazingly, the place was cramed on President's Day. What a gold mine!

As for Jackie posting, she alternates between trying to get Erika to sleep, and plotting her empire. I'll mention it to her and see if she can work a little blogging in.