Sunday, May 14, 2006

Visiting grandma Gladys and Ernie

This Mother's Day weekend, we took advantage of the great weather and drove to Portland to see grandma Gladys and Ernie. Here Erika demonstrates how she can reach thing on the table. Ernie is not so sure it's a good idea.

Erika and Tashi the dog attempt communication.

Nothing quite as fun as running around in the grass!

What a toddler we have!
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Anonymous said...

It has clearly been too long since I checked out the WetzBlog - so many cute pictures since Easter. Ahh, the unbridled cuteness of Erika.
Also, plurals of words ending in "s" are denoted by an apostrophe. eg: Chris' Dad is visiting us and he's into conspiracy theories about the Knights Templer and the Freemasons. I think I'll check out the Blog so I can sleep in peace. Thank you, WetzBlog. Auntie Kmi need you.

Jason W. said...

In your example "Chris' dad" is posessive! I merely need the plural.
I looked it up since you have poked me with a grammatical stick.
And this is the magic of the internet: a place where an art major and a physics major can hash out English grammar in front of the entire world.

Anonymous said...

I think it might also be the plural. But I could be wrong. I gave up on grammer when we had to diagram sentances with gerunds in them. Having since found out that most grammatical rules in English are super-imposed from Latin and therefore bear little relationship to the actually language, I just make stuff up. Maybe I mean the Dad of multiple Chris's. (Chrises' Dad?). Or maybe we should just blame it on the Freemasons.

Jason W. said...

It's amazing how much easier it is to spell things in German. What you see is what you get. No silent letters lurking around. No multiple pronounciations. Sure, they have 23 words for "the" but the spelling simplicity is sehr ausgezeichnet.