Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Erika's First Day of Preschool

Today was an important day for Erika; her first day of preschool. It's a co-op preschool where I (Jackie) go with her one day a week and she goes by herself one day a week. Today was an orientation and she did very well. First, there are three rooms. One is the quiet room with books and puzzles, one is the active room with all sorts of fun toys, and the third is the art room. Here Erika is showing her budding artistic technique. She had so much fun in the art room that Daddy will be given 4 new paintings for his office.

Below is the active room with some of her new friends. Erika found something very special in the cabinet she is opening. Could it be? Yes, it's a . . .

A Cash Register! With plastic coins and laminated money! O Joy! Remember last year's interest in such things? Erika spent a good 15 minutes in the noisy active room playing with it. The active room is very loud so I thought she would just look around and demand to be taken back to the quiet area, but no. I'm sure Daddy will want to comment on this too.

All in all, it was a good first day of school. Erika seemed sad to leave.

1 comment:

Jason W. said...

It's so nice to see that Erika and I share a certain fascination with money. It really is an amazing thing when you think about it. Money, that is.

Attending socialist, I mean, Catholic schools all my life, I was told that God loves the poor. In my own tiny mind, I could never figure out why being bad at financial planning counted for something in the cosmic scheme of things, so I didn't buy it. Sorry Big Guy.