Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lunar Eclipse and Moon Madness

Tonight we witnessed a lunar eclipse. As with many 3-year-olds, Erika is very interested in the moon, so this was quite an event! As the moon turned to red, Erika exclaimed, "The moon looks like Jupiter!" which I think is a pretty insightful observation!
We don't have a telescope...yet, so we made due with binoculars as best we could.

After we got cold and came in, (notice that mommy needs no jacket since her oven is cooking along at about 400F. Just try sleeping near her!) Erika wanted to watch a "Cosmos" DVD. This must be where she picked up the idea of what Jupiter looks like! Indeed, while we had the stomach flu the week before last, we watched the whole 13 episode series of Cosmos from 1980.

In this final picture, Erika is showing signs of moon madness: she has pants on her head, is chattering about rockets, and is expressing desire for more Carl Sagan and the planet Jupiter. Who says the Wetzels don't know how to party?

As a side note, this "Cosmos phase" in her viewing habits has been going on for about two weeks so far. I'm sure it will pass like the other phases have, but just in case something sticks, I'm saving this picture to show at her doctoral dissertation.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Yes! I remember that when my girls were 1 - 4 years old we had to look for the moon every night before we went to bed! Now, at 10 and 12 years old, I said, "Come on! Let's go look at the eclipse!" Rebecca said, "just a minute." She was watching videos on YouTube and never did come outside. Rachael said, "How long is this going to take?"