Friday, February 08, 2008

Rotavirus: 3; Wetzels: 0

This past week was brought to us by the letter V for Virus.
It was ugly, but here's what I have learned about projectile vomiting:

3) You get an instant abdominal workout without the hastle of going to the gym.
2) It's a quick way to loose 5 pounds overnight
1) Eat applesauce, it's good the second time too.

Figure 1. Microscopic Evil.

The good news: Erika took 5 days to recover, but recover she has. She laid down Monday morning and vomited every 20 minutes for several hours. She did not get up on her own until just this morning (Friday). She asked for Pizza.
Jackie is tired, but this is a huge improvement from the earlier explosive action from both ends which is a joy while pregnant I'm told.
The Twins, still in there and ticking away. Jackie had another ultrasound visit today and little A and B are in excellent shape having missed all the fireworks.
As for me: I missed 3 days of work.. well, I tried, but people kept calling me. It's good to feel needed, but I'll admit during the darkest 8 hours of this virus, I could not have possibly cared less. Lying motionless and cursing repeatedly seemed to be the only thing I was capable of doing. Yes, I know, that's not much different than a typical day at the office.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rotavirus 4: Wetzels 0:
Uncle Mark Went down hard last Tuesday, I did'nt think a little visit before the Super Bowl could be so giving... I made it and I hope you're all better too.

Uncle Mark