Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Stevie's 4th

This past weekend we attended Stevie Hanley's 4th birthday party. Erika and Stevie have a strange relationship in that Stevie and Erika have been mingling for years now, yet they seem to only loosely interact. Perhaps they are just into different things. For example, he likes to throw, fling, shoot, or do whatever might have the scent of fun. Well, the scent of fun with a low-note of potential bodily harm. Word on the street is that he may take a break to occasionally shout "testicles!" just to mix things up. Erika, on the other hand, is not so hip to that whole projectile scene as she is rather cautious and more interested in observing others while commenting on their clothing. "Nice pants!" or "I like your shirt!" Furthermore, she is more focused on the buttocks region in her random embarrassing statements to family and strangers alike.

You'd think that the toddler world of stinky butt and testicles commentary would leave little room for romance, but it is a matter of record that Stevie has decreed that he plans to marry Erika and have twins. Erika heard rumors of this plan and already said no without hearing any deatils. Below we see Erika and Stevie's grandmother having a delightful time together at the party.

As a side conversation, Stevie's grandma asked Erika what the twins were named. Erika answered right away- "Twin A and Twin B."

Before the party, everyone (except us) attended the movie Wall-e which is about a lovable robot or whatever. We did not attend the movie since we traveled as a pack of five that day and couldn't quite figure out how to do it logistically. So, today, I thought I would take Erika to see Wall-e myself. She has never been to a movie before; just the two of us as Jackie volunteered to stay home with the twins.

We made it through the movie previews, but only got into about 5 minutes before we needed to leave. Why kids' movies have to start with protracted dystopian scenes full of startling sound effects and ominous music is a mystery to me. It was way too much for a dainty cupcake such as herself.

Remember Finding Nemo? We have that on DVD. What the heck is with that? It's all stress, conflict, and neurotic parents in the beginning and then Nemo's mom dies? Who thinks of this stuff?! That one will go in the bin for a few more years I guess.

And as much as I also want to complain about two matinee tickets plus one drink and one bag of popcorn coming to TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS, I will endeavor to let it go. At least we won't be going back until Erika can make it though opening credits without being traumatized.

Below, Jackie being slept on by the twins. They have colds right now, so sleep is a good thing.
And you can't buy antihistamines for infants anymore? I want to know whose lawsuit caused that. ...actually maybe it's best I don't know.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I met Stevie at Mellaney M's house. I walked by him and overheard him say something about his robots. I stopped short and asked incredulously, "You have robots at your house?" He said, “Ya” with a big smile. I turned to Sharon used-to-be-Bentler and warned her, “Watch out! He’s got robots.” Stevie defended his robots, “They’re not mean! They don’t hurt anyone.” I said, “The ones at my house are mean. You never know what they’re going to do. You don’t know what they’re thinking.” Stevie and Sharon both just smiled at me.